More pinching

For a while during the real heat of summer my trees slowed up and gave me a rest from pinching and pruning that is so constant during spring and early summer. The weather has started to cool a little and we have had a few light showers of rain. This is the time of year that the Australian natives just love and they have started to grow strongly. Continue reading

More from Pavel Slovak masterclass

As is usual at a bonsai workshop I came away with a few new ideas and techniques.

Pavel is noted for working with and, in particular, bending larger collected conifers. During the workshop he mentioned that bends are easier if you twist the branch while bending. Twisting as you bend allows the fibres in the wood to bend further without breaking.

He also mentioned that he often wraps electrical tape over the wire and raffia when making extreme bends. This serves to keep the moisture in a branch if it cracks while bending which he feels aids in healing the cracks and breaks.

Something I had not experienced before was removing ALL old needles from a pine in order to wire and shape the material. I have always attempted to retain as many old needles as possible hoping that some will produce new buds to help ramify the branching. It is certainly much easier to wire the branches without the older needles.

If anyone else has something from the recent NBPCA bonsai week feel free to let me know and I can add it here.

new catalogues

Show season is nearly over so I have managed to find some time to assemble the photos of new stock in some semblance of order for you.

I’ve changed the format a bit this year to make it a bit simpler. Hope there’s enough detail for you to make informed choices. In any case, if you need to know more about any of the trees featured just ask. I can send current photos and other views if you need to have a look from another angle or I can provide measurements if you need those.

Anyway, click on the catalogue tab and see what’s new at Shibui Bonsai.

Those who have visited will know that there is always far more than just the trees featured in the cataloges. I usually have a range of natives that are being grown on as bonsai as well as smaller numbers of garden and roadside collected specimens. If you are after something in particular it can’t hurt to ask, I may just have it here.

Wagga Wagga bonsai

The Wagga Wagga bonsai Society has contacted me to let everyone know that they are putting on a 10 day exhibition to promote bonsai in their region. The display opens on Thursday November 12 2015 at Wagga Wagga Art Gallery and runs through to Sunday November 22. Free entry and, as a bonus, the Wagga Wagga Potters club is also part of the exhibition.

If you are within reach of Wagga during that week go along and have a look. 11 days is a long time for bonsai inside. I’m told that the display will be closed on Monday 16th so they can water and work on any trees that need trimming, etc so make sure you are not traveling a long way to get there on the Monday.

And that’s not all! Grant Bowie has been booked to run a workshop on Sunday November 15th followed by a demonstration in the afternoon. You can come and see some of the techniques and ideas that go into developing really great bonsai. Observers are free so you can just turn up at E33 art space on Sunday and see what its all about.


Canberra 2015

We had a great weekend at Canberra and were well looked after by the locals again. Sales were brisk on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning so there was not much left for those who came on Sunday

Shibui sales at Canberra

A much depleted Shibui sales on Sunday morning at Canberra Bonsai Show

but there’s still plenty of great trees available on our sales benches. Continue reading