Days are substantially longer now and the nights are getting warmer. The trees are feeling it too and have started growing new shoots for the coming season. The first to produce leaves this year was a trident maple. I love the red new shoots on tridents. As the leaves mature they will fade to green. A few of the Chinese elms have also produced fresh new leaves but these are a brilliant emerald green that will fade to a darker green as the leaves harden off. A small English elm is showing swollen buds but the larger English elms are still dormant. English elms are usually one of the last species to shoot here along with zelkova and gingko.
I have also produced a ‘first’ this year – a wisteria in a pot has flower buds swelling so I will be able to post pics of my very first flowering wisteria bonsai. I have had one wisteria for about 28 years that has stubbornly refused to flower despite trying all sorts of techniques to it. It has a great trunk and good branches and shape but I do wish it would produce even just a few of those magnificent tresses of purple that make wisteria such a stunning bonsai. Both these trees are seedlings. Wisteria is well known to take at least 7 years and often much longer to reach maturity and flower. If you want to grow a wisteria as bonsai and would like to see flowers on it I’d recomment buying one in flower or striking cuttings from a known flowering plant. Cuttings bring the maturity of the parent plant to the new plant and are capable of flowering in just a year or 2.
Things are kicking off here in Canberra too. I have a similar experience to you regarding English elms. An exception to the elms is the ‘raft’ in the national collection. Last Saturday it had a few buds with green visible and it now has many leaves – with some buds still opening of course. It has only just returned to the Collection so its destiny may have been set earlier at its normal home.
I have also noticed that Japanese maples that I have re-potted just before bud burst are opening faster than trees that have not been re-potted – particularly some of last years seeedlings I potted up. A colleague has also noticed this with an old maple he recently re-potted – opened faster than his established ones. Do you know if that is a known/common outcome ?
My dissectums have also opened earlier than the palmatum varieties – with no particular light/position advantage.
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